The 2nd generation HTS wire is ZERO electric resistance coated conductor of the tape type on the metal substrate by the deposition of superconductive ceramic thin films. It is available to replace the existing copper conductor of electrical power system in order to reduce the electric power loss and the size of the system substantially.
( Comparing 2G HTS wire to copper wire )
Another characteristic of superconducting wire is that it can transmit 100 times of electrical current through the same cross-sectional area compared to the current copper wire,so even though including the space for cooling systems,superconducting cable can transmit 3 to 5 times of electric power more than existing copper cable when using the same cable passage.
The 2nd generation HTS wire has the wide range of the application fields mentioned above,such as motors,generators,transformers,fault current limiters,high magnetic fields NMR / MRI,single-crystal growth machines,magnetic separators. nuclear fusion power generation,superconducting magnetic levitation train and the DC power transmission business.